Lead Onion

The Ultimate Guide to Intent Activation


Unlock the full potential of your business with our comprehensive guide. Intent data is a goldmine waiting to be transformed into actionable insights, but many B2B marketers struggle to harness its power effectively. Our guide unravels the secrets of leveraging intent data to decode market behaviors and provides a user-friendly strategy template to kickstart your journey to unprecedented success. 


Intent Data that converts. Contact Data that delivers.


How will this guide help me and my business?


Whether you're dealing with 1st, 2nd or 3rd Party Intent Data, we break down each category's strategic advantages and guide you through the activation process. From setting clear goals to crafting your Ideal Customer Profile, we navigate the path together, ensuring you make the most of every opportunity.


Discover how to elevate your marketing precision with intent-based targeting, revolutionize retargeting strategies, and craft personalized content journeys. 


What’s included in the guide?


The guide also empowers your sales team to identify early-stage buyers, refine outreach priorities, and enhance relationships through activated intent data. We delve into:


✅ Intent data types and strategic advantages
✅ Leveraging intent data for marketing success

✅ Crafting customized content journeys

✅ Dynamic personalization
✅ Initiating tailored outbound engagements

✅ Intent for marketing and sales alignment


What’s included in the guide?


The guide also empowers your sales team to identify early-stage buyers, refine outreach priorities, and enhance relationships through activated intent data. We delve into:


✅ Intent data types and strategic advantages
✅ Leveraging intent data for marketing success

✅ Crafting customized content journeys

✅ Dynamic personalization
✅ Initiating tailored outbound engagements

✅ Intent for marketing and sales alignment


Harness the Power of Intent Data


With insights into dynamic personalization and empowering sales through activated intent data, your team will be equipped with the tools to tailor outbound engagements and align your marketing and sales strategies seamlessly. 

Lead Onion Reviews

It's one of the best software I've used in the past years!

Lead Onion is a great marketing and sales tool. It combines what every Marketing person wants to see with the kind of data that every Sales person wants to get. It's the first tool I access every morning.


Marketing Manager in Software Development

Lead Onion Integrations

You can’t afford to wait

for a slow sales & marketing funnel to deliver


Life’s too short to be bouncing from platform to platform wondering what’s truly working and waiting for inbound marketing to deliver the leads. Connect with prospects from 17 different sources of intent and 10 tools.


You can’t afford to wait

for a slow sales & marketing funnel to deliver


Life’s too short to be bouncing from platform to platform wondering what’s truly working and waiting for inbound marketing to deliver the leads. Connect with prospects from 17 different sources of intent and 10 tools.


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Smash your sales targets month after month with advanced lead intelligence. We combine B2B intelligence with company contact data in one seamless platform to highlight your hottest leads based on what’s happening within your addressable market.


140,000+ people like you are using Intent Signals every month to generate sales

With our tools, you can retrieve contact level data for the exact person, and within the exact organizations that you want at the click of a button.

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